How to Add Personality to your Work Attire and Get Ahead At Work

When I was living in DC and working as an attorney I frequently saw what could only be described as armies of blue suited individuals walking around during lunch time. I can safely assume that the majority of these blue suited members were attorneys, consultants, or people working on Capitol Hill. It’s a widely held belief that if you are working in these fields you must adopt a “corporate” conservative style. However, is this really true? After the pandemic when dress codes and ways of working have changed I believe that I can safely say that the rules for dressing have changed. You should take advantage of this opening to allow more of your fun personal style to enter into your work attire- whether you are working remotely or in the office.

How to Add More Personality To Your Work Wardrobe

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  1. Add Some Colorful Jewelry

    Even on days where you are wearing a neutral color suit, a dash of color in your accessories can help to brighten up the outfit and make it a bit more personalized. I


    Instead of a string of pearls, perhaps select colorful beads instead. Instead of a diamond or diamond-looking pendant, choose a necklace with a colorful pendant.


    Consider forgoing other accessories and add large statement earrings instead. If you are on a zoom meeting throwing on a pair of colorful or floral earrings can help to instantly elevate your look. Additionally, the earrings might be a conversation starter and a way to bond or small talk with coworkers or clients that you no longer see on a regular basis

  2. Adopt a Fun Colored Work Bag

    Man do I love a work bag! I know that it is tempting to pick a black, brown, or blue bag because it is a commonly held believe that these bags will always “match” your outfit, but consider branching out! Afterall, it is not true that a neutral color bag will always match your outfit. What if you are wearing all black and your bag is brown? This might be an instance where the bag does not work for the outfit. Personally I love a dark forest green tote bag to bring to the office or a bright blue one. These colors are not crazy out there, but they are fun and professional.

    Introduce Some Colorful Pieces Into Your Work Wardrobe

    I’m sure you have plenty of basics in your wardrobe- jeans, black dress, suits, etc. This is fantastic! Now you can play around with how to style these items! A silk scarf is a fun way to add a bit of a pattern to a simple sheath dress. Additionally why not add a colorful belt to a simple black dress to define your waist? What about a colorful and cozy cardigan? If you are working from home it is especially important to be conscious of your image on the screen. While you can wear yoga pants and slippers under your desk, a crisp colorful t shirt or sweater can make your image pop on the screen and make you look prepared for the meeting.

  3. Select Shoes That Make You Feel Fierce, Whether They Are High Heels or Flats
    Growing up I was always told that heels over a certain height are not corporate workplace appropriate. However, I’m pretty sure rules like this one are old fashioned or just made up by the small communities we are raised by. Free your feet! If you like a towering heel, incorporate that! If you feel like your shoes are too bold for the workplace, try pairing them with more “conservative” pieces for balance. Also, after the pandemic I became a big fan of a flat shoe. A plain pair of clean white sneakers goes with pretty much any look nowadays. You can also have fun with loafers and other styles pictured here:

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Three Reasons Why You Should Add More Personal Flair to Your Work Wardrobe

  1. Confidence. Confidence. Confidence

    When you wear what you want to wear, you feel more confident and that certainly transfers over to your work performance. By adding personality and color to your work outfit you are also showing others in your workplace that you are confident in yourself and therefore your work products.

  2. Your Company Hired You, a Person, and Not a Robot

    Read that again! You are a person. Feel free to show some personality.

  3. Personal Branding and Showing Attention to Detail

    Small touches like a fun necklace or a cute belt on a black dress shows others that you notice and appreciate small details. Noticing small details is always a skill that is valued and is in high demand!

    To read about executive women dressing as they please at work please check out this Forbes Article.

    At Wild Gardenia, we’re passionate about curating women-led, conscious brands that create pieces for women of all shapes and sizes. Check out our online range for our collection of inclusive twee pieces, and stay updated with indie inspiration and hipster fashion news on our Instagram.@wild_gardenia_boutique.


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